2018年11月30日 星期五

New video by 蘋果動新聞 HK Apple Daily on YouTube

【死亡預約】每年300名死亡旅客赴瑞士 香港人都有份
安樂死,意即由醫護人員主動注射致命藥物,讓病人在無痛苦的情況下結束生命。何時何地出生,無人能自主;如何離開,又是否純粹的個人選擇?《蘋果》親赴瑞士、荷蘭、英國和台灣,直擊安樂死個案,訪問親歷其中的遺屬和醫生,剖析背後的理據和爭議。 記者:程詩敏、鄺頌婷、陳麗賢 We do not choose to be born, but could we choose our time and conditions of death? Euthanasia or assisted suicide, the act of ending one's life voluntarily with the prescription of lethal medicine from medical staff, has been legalized in Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, some states of the US, Canada, etc. Appledaily travels to different countries to get to know the real cases and the controversy behind.

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